Expose CRAN deadlines and DOIs


June 12, 2024

Red alert!


You can now programmatically access deadlines and DOIs for CRAN packages. I larked about with them to make a Shiny app and a README-badge-making function.


If you didn’t know, base R has functions that return information about packages on CRAN1. The main one is probably CRAN_package_db(). Here’s a few columns:

db <- tools::CRAN_package_db()
db[1:5, c("Package", "Version", "Maintainer")]
        Package Version                                Maintainer
1            A3   1.0.0 Scott Fortmann-Roe <scottfr@berkeley.edu>
2 AalenJohansen     1.0     Martin Bladt <martinbladt@math.ku.dk>
3      AATtools   0.0.2 Sercan Kahveci <sercan.kahveci@sbg.ac.at>
4        ABACUS   1.0.0          Mintu Nath <dr.m.nath@gmail.com>
5   abasequence   0.1.0         Andrew Pilny <andy.pilny@uky.edu>

This post is about two new columns that have appeared recently in that dataframe—Deadline and DOI—and a couple of little tools I’ve built around them.

Meet the deadline

If your package-builds fail on CRAN then you need to fix them. The CRAN database now contains the date by which fixes need to be made2. The simple way to access this information is:

db_dead <- db[!is.na(db$Deadline), c("Package", "Deadline")]
db_dead |> sort_by(~Deadline) |> head()
          Package   Deadline
11555       MuMIn 2024-06-14
16242       rsolr 2024-06-14
16964      semEff 2024-06-14
6901  gghighlight 2024-06-17
9671         lme4 2024-06-17
11800 nestedLogit 2024-06-17

You can get this information in an R terminal, sure, but it’s ripe for displaying in a web app that shows the latest data.

This seemed a good excuse for me to learn a couple of (newish-to-me) Shiny things: (a) {bslib} as a Shiny framework and (b) a way to create an arbitrary number of UI elements, since the number of packages with deadlines will vary from day to day.

In short, I made a Shiny(live) app, which is embedded below (may take a moment to fully load).

You can also visit directly on GitHub Pages or find the source on GitHub. The data refreshes with each visit so it stays up to date.

It’s pretty simple: there’s a card per deadlined package with a link to its CRAN-listing page and check details. For added spice, I calculated days remaining and coloured the card headers by threat level.

If you see a negative number of days remaining, it’s not because the data haven’t updated correctly. A package can have a deadline listed that has already passed, which will manifest as a negative value in the number of days remaining3. It also seems that packages can have a deadline listed in CRAN_package_db() even if they’ve been archived or reprieved, so they’ll continue to appear in the app regardless.

Re handling an arbitrary number of UI elements on the fly, I looped over the deadlined packages to build a tagList of bslib::card() elements. This object was then interpreted by renderUI() and the cards were spat out.

Some other new-to-me bits-and-bobs I used were an emoji as a favicon4, {bslib}’s very simple dark-mode toggle, and htmltools::tagAppendChild() to splice breaks between cards in the tagList5.

In the end, this was a good excuse to polish some of my Shiny knowledge, but there are simpler approaches to displaying this information. For example, I started with just a basic {reactable}. I see Hadley has now done something similar to that6, in a table that allows you to click rows to expand a package’s check results as well. It’s a better tool and I recommend you bookmark that instead of this Shiny app7.

Ah well. By now you’ve come to expect overengineering from this blog, I suspect. At least I had fun.


The app was available on the web via shinyapps.io when I first published this blog. I actually wanted it to be a Shinylive app, but hit a snag. Fortunately, the ever-helpful Eric Nantz made a pull request that solved my problem. I think Shinylive is a good option for this app: it’s small, there’s little user interaction and it’s not worth a precious slot in my free shinyapps.io account. Thanks Eric.


I noticed that Dirk also calculated the number of potential ‘orphans’ that archival would cause. This is useful information to gauge relative ‘danger’ for a given package to fall off CRAN. Hadley has since added this feature to his table and I might implement it too.

Oi! DOI!

A DOI is a ‘digital object identifier’. These are used extensively in publishing and can be useful for citation, tracking and gathering usage statistics. CRAN has been adding these to packages recently and the string has been added to the CRAN_package_db() dataframe in the DOI column8.

db[!is.na(db$DOI), c("Package", "DOI")][1:5, ]
        Package                                 DOI
1            A3            10.32614/CRAN.package.A3
2 AalenJohansen 10.32614/CRAN.package.AalenJohansen
3      AATtools      10.32614/CRAN.package.AATtools
4        ABACUS        10.32614/CRAN.package.ABACUS
5   abasequence   10.32614/CRAN.package.abasequence

Dirk wondered aloud on Mastodon about making a badge service for DOIs. I don’t know about a ‘service’ but I once wrote a package called {badgr} to build customised shields.io metadata badges within R. It’s a small leap to make a {badgr} function that builds CRAN DOI badges.

So, as of of {badgr} v0.2.0, you can use get_cran_doi_badge(). You can download the package from my R-universe:

install.packages("badgr", repos = "https://matt-dray.r-universe.dev")

You pass it a CRAN package name. If you want, you can pass other arguments to get_badge() to change its colour, etc (but the default colour is the tasteful blue of the R logo, so you probably want to keep that). For purposes of this blog post, I’ve turned off the arguments that open a browser preview of the badge and copy it to your clipboard.

  package_name = "datapasta",
  browser_preview = FALSE,
  to_clipboard = FALSE
[1] "[![](https://img.shields.io/badge/DOI-10.32614/CRAN.package.datapasta-1f57b6?style=flat&link=https://doi.org/10.32614/CRAN.package.datapasta)](https://doi.org/10.32614/CRAN.package.datapasta)"

The code outputs a Markdown string that you can paste into your repository’s README, for example. It looks like this when rendered:

You can click it to be taken to the resource, which is the CRAN listing for the package. The whole process looks like this:

{datapasta} is great, even if you don’t pronounce it ‘dah-tah pars-tah’.

In retrospect, this function probably doesn’t need to use CRAN_package_db() because the DOIs look fairly standardised in structure (e.g. 10.32614/CRAN.package.<package-name>). But at time of writing, not every package has a DOI yet; checking the database means an error can be raised if the DOI isn’t yet active.

Ah well. By now you’ve come to expect overengineering from this blog, I suspect. At least I had fun.


Dirk mentioned in another Mastodon post that he’s added a simple deadline fetcher to {littler} and also pointed out the simple form noted above for a Markdown badge.


Mike started a list of CRAN-related dashboards/search tools and has asked for any that have been missed. Which implies we need a tool to search for such tools, lol?


Session info
Last rendered: 2024-06-17 14:50:18 BST
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20
Running under: macOS Ventura 13.2.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib 
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib;  LAPACK version 3.12.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: Europe/London
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] digest_0.6.35     base64enc_0.1-3   fastmap_1.2.0     xfun_0.43        
 [5] fontawesome_0.5.2 knitr_1.46        badgr_0.2         htmltools_0.5.8.1
 [9] rmarkdown_2.26    cli_3.6.2         compiler_4.4.0    rstudioapi_0.16.0
[13] tools_4.4.0       clipr_0.8.0       evaluate_0.23     yaml_2.3.8       
[17] rlang_1.1.4       jsonlite_1.8.8    htmlwidgets_1.6.4


  1. The Comprehensive R Archive Network, not the unit of uncleaned herring.↩︎

  2. I think it was Henrik’s Mastodon post that first tipped me off to this, thank you.↩︎

  3. Lluis was kind enough to suggest why this might be.↩︎

  4. This appears when the Shiny app is opened locally in a browser, but does not carry through to the Shinylive version.↩︎

  5. I’m not convinced my approach is the best one, but it works for now. Please leave an issue in the repo if you have a better idea.↩︎

  6. The absolute cheek of using the same (completely obvious and utterly non-plagiarised) repository name, can you believe it.↩︎

  7. Though I chose not to shame the package owners by putting their names in my app, lol.↩︎

  8. I first noticed this thanks to Achim’s post on Mastodon.↩︎
