Hexagonal sticker with pixel-art of the the rostrum.blog insect logo on it.


Fun and learning with R, usually off-piste. It’s a bonus if you find any of it useful and/or amusing. All views belong to us. Linkrot guaranteed.


Matt Dray

Personal site | Github | Mastodon

I use R professionally for ‘data science’ and as an amateur for memes and larking about. I make R do odd things, often with the aid of important pop-culture references like Pokémon and Dawson’s Creek.

Adriana De Palma

Personal website

My job involves using R to understand the health of nature globally. I spend at least 50% of my spare time talking through Matt’s latest idea about what weird thing he could do with R.


  • Find the source on GitHub
  • Made with Quarto
  • Deployed with Netlify
  • Check out R Weekly for more R content
  • ‘rostrum’ because this used to be an ecology blog (!) and a rostrum is both an insect’s mouthparts and a podium-like piece of furniture that you orate from